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A commision is a unique way to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art with the artist!  Whether it be on canvas, a mural for your home or business, or a drawing, any ideas and/or photos from the client will be discussed in detail to assure the client's vision and own creativity are met to the fullest.  The artist will then begin a series of prelimenary sketches to be approved by the client.  This step develops the composition, perspective, and overall layout of the piece.  Further drawings will then be developed to showcase some of the works finer details and to ensure that the piece is headed in the right direction.  After the design process is complete, the artist will then begin work on the final piece while communicating progress as much or as little as is desired by the client until completion.  The process ussually takes 4-6 weeks and is a unique way to bring your visions to life!


Designs can be developed as digital commisions between the artist and the client to help brand, promote, or express an idea or mission statement.  Whether you are looking for a logo to create a visual lasting statement for your own business or just a unique eye catching design, a digital work can be made to apply to anything from business cards to t-shirts and stickers to letterheads.


Art licensing is an option more suited for businesses with resale intentions.  Previous works and new designs can be developed by the artist to be licensed out to businesses to be used for branding and resale situations such as apparel and commercial use.  Pricing varies upon intentions and subject matter.

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